How to unzip remote archives in Transmit without using the awkward menus
Table of Contents … (Read More)
Backing up your Twitter tweets with Dr. Drang’s Python script, but using Brett Terpstra’s Markdown-based formatting
Note from Scott: if you already know Python, you’re probably going to find this post incredibly boring, unless you’re interested in learning how a non-Python coder approaches figuring out a problem in Python. Everyone else, keep reading! … (Read More)
Snippets make it easy & fast to quickly insert text & code into Sublime Text
I’m having students in my web development courses use Sublime Text as their editor. As a result, I’ve been digging deep into Sublime Text & writing up what I’ve learned on my personal website, which I use with some of my classes. This post is a pointer to some of those pages. … (Read More)
Auto-completion in Sublime Text is just wonderful
I’m having students in my web development courses use Sublime Text as their editor. As a result, I’ve been digging deep into Sublime Text & writing up what I’ve learned on my personal website, which I use with some of my classes. This post is a pointer to some of those pages. … (Read More)
Preview your code in Sublime Text in a web browser, quickly & easily
I’m having students in my web development courses use Sublime Text as their editor. As a result, I’ve been digging deep into Sublime Text & writing up what I’ve learned on my personal website, which I use with some of my classes. This post is a pointer to some of those pages. … (Read More)
The first package you need to install for Sublime Text: Package Control
I’m having students in my web development courses use Sublime Text as their editor. As a result, I’ve been digging deep into Sublime Text & writing up what I’ve learned on my personal website, which I use with some of my classes. This post is a pointer to some of those pages. … (Read More)
Installing & configuring Sublime Text
I’m having students in my web development courses use Sublime Text as their editor. As a result, I’ve been digging deep into Sublime Text & writing up what I’ve learned on my personal website, which I use with some of my classes. This post is a pointer to some of those pages. … (Read More)
I’ve been learning a lot about Sublime Text, & I’d like to share what I’ve learned
I’m teaching web development courses this semester at two excellent schools: Washington University in St. Louis & Webster University. I have students in both classes using the excellent Sublime Text 2 editor. Why? … (Read More)
Back when people used to know how to truly communicate
I’m teaching my course “Blogs to Wikis: Building Community in a Virtual Environment” at Washington University in St. Louis right now, & one of my students (whom I shall call “Alice”) posted this the other day: … (Read More)
Changing default applications on a Mac using the command line & then a shell script
I use Markdown a lot, so I’m constantly creating files that end in the .md extension. For a while I wanted the very nice (& free for now!) app Mou to open those, but now I’ve switched to Sublime Text for my Markdown editing1. So when I click on, I want it to open in Sublime Text instead of Mou. While Sublime Text comes with built-in support for Markdown, the addition of Keyboard Maestro really makes things sing in a way that constantly amazes me with its combination of power & ease of use. Plus, if I decided that I hated Sublime Text tomorrow, I could easily move to another editor, since Keyboard Maestro works with anything. ↩ … (Read More)
List all kernel extensions on a Mac
To see all kernel extensions on a Mac, just enter this: … (Read More)
How to give all files the same modification time
These are instructions for a friend of mine who’s not super-techy. He’s on a Mac, & periodically he needs to make sure all the files in a directory have the same date & time. The command line to the rescue1! Of course, he could also buy my book Linux Phrasebook & read the section on touch. Just sayin’. ↩ … (Read More)
Presentations for the first 4 LPIC classes
For the last month I’ve been teaching an LPIC (Linux Professional Institute Certification) study course at my home on Thursday nights. Here are the presentations I’ve used, all based around Roderick W. Smith’s LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide, 2nd edition (or get it for Kindle). Please note that not everything is complete. I teach 4 other courses (for which I get paid), so I don’t always the time to get everything on slides. … (Read More)
What comes after foo & bar?
I was wondering today what comes after “foo” & “bar”. Now I know the whole list! … (Read More)
My new favorite Mac OS X keyboard shortcut; or, how to see hidden files with Sublime Text
In BBEdit, when you hit Command-O to open a file, the dialog box has this wonderful checkbox: Show Hidden Items. Once checked, it stays checked. This is great if, like me, you can constantly opening dotfiles in your home directory to edit. … (Read More)
LPIC Study Group at my house
I wanted to let everyone know about an LPIC (Linux Professional Institute Certification) study course that Robert Bennett thought up. Basically, starting August 16, we’re meeting at my house over the next 12 weeks to study for the LPIC-1 test. If you’re interested, come & join us (we already have 4)! … (Read More)
BBEdit cursor movement & selection shortcuts
If you use BBEdit, you really need to go here & grok this: “A Better Pair of Tongs: BBEdit Cursor Movement & Selection Shortcuts”. Comprehensive. … (Read More)
How to set up an SFTP server on a Mac & then enable a friend to upload files to it from their iPhone, iPad, or other iDevice
Here’s the situation: my buddy John has a MacBook Pro. He works with a bunch of friends who take videos on their iPhones & other iDevices1, & he wants to get those videos off of their iPhones & onto his Mac so he can combine & edit them. He tried plugging in another person’s iPhone into his Mac, but that didn’t work (of course). He thought about Dropbox, but the files can be huge, so that wouldn’t work. So he asked me, & this was I wrote up & sent to him. Of course, all of this should work on Android, Windows Phone, etc. I just don’t know what SFTP software is available on those platforms. ↩ … (Read More)
How to fix Day One after the upgrade if the app opens but you don’t see your journal entries
Yesterday I upgraded to the latest version of Day One (1.7) on my Mac running Mountain Lion. As a result of that, I had to move my Journal.dayone file from ~/Dropbox/Application Support/Day One to its new location, at ~/Dropbox/Apps/Day One1. That move seemed to go fine, & Day One still worked without issue on my iPad. However, since that upgrade on my Mac, Day One had problems. The app opened, but the Journal didn’t. I could still use the menus, open Preferences, etc., but the Journal itself would not open. I tried the following, none of which worked: I had to make that move. Day One forces it if you want to keep using Dropbox. ↩ … (Read More)
The Mailplane 3 beta is pretty sweet
I use Gmail for my email, & have since October 2007 when Google announced IMAP support1. During that time, I’ve tried all the (major) email clients on Macs: I’ve owned since 1997, so switching email from provider to provider hasn’t been a problem. In order, & much remembering, I figured that I’ve used the following to host my email: ↩ … (Read More)