
How do we reference locations in electronic books?

Jason Brooks points to Chuck Skoda’s ruminations: … (Read More)

What’s your iPhone serial number mean?

Any time I discover another one of the secret codes that surround us, I’m happy. Along those lines, Cult of Mac had a neat little article titled Understand Your iPhone’s Serial Number that was right up my alley: … (Read More)

What happens if there’s another Carrington Event?

Saw this on Wikipedia, & I thought it was good to know: … (Read More)

pcAnywhere is not safe

Uh-oh. This is not good: … (Read More)

Another bad idea from Ubuntu: replace menus with the HUD

A few years ago, I used Ubuntu almost full time for my main desktop (well, laptop) OS. If someone asked me which Linux they should try as a newbie, I unhesitatingly said “Ubuntu”. Then I switched to Mac OS X, & a few years later Ubuntu started getting weird in some pretty user-unfriendly ways. Now Mark Shuttleworth has published a new post on his blog about the future direction of Ubuntu, & boy it’s a doozy: … (Read More)

Disallow logging in to a Synology DiskStation with passwords & only allow logging in via SSH keys

Note: I recently purchased a Synology DiskStation DS411j & I’m putting up posts about things I figure out. This is part of that series. … (Read More)

Log in to a Synology DiskStation quicker & easier using an SSH config file

Note: I recently purchased a Synology DiskStation DS411j & I’m putting up posts about things I figure out. This is part of that series. … (Read More)

iBooks Author doesn’t support footnotes

A quick note on iBooks Author, after using it all afternoon: it doesn’t support the creation of endnotes or footnotes. Sure, you can import them in from Word or Pages, but if you want to adjust them, you’re SOL. … (Read More)

Many books are unnecessary in the age of Wikipedia

Throughout my life I’ve always collected books. Lots of books. As in, thousands of books. This made moving hell, of course, but it was worth it to me to have all that knowledge within arm’s reach, especially when I was teaching English to high school students back in the 1990s. … (Read More)

Microsoft supports same-sex marriage in Washington

When Microsoft does something right, I commend it. And this is a great move. From The Official Microsoft Blog: … (Read More)

Change the SSH port you use to log in to a Synology DiskStation

Note: I recently purchased a Synology DiskStation DS411j & I’m putting up posts about things I figure out. This is part of that series. … (Read More)

I’ll be on Channel 4 News tonight speaking about SOPA

I was interviewed today by Channel 4 News about SOPA & other, similar bills. In my interview, I explained why this is bad law that’s unnecessary, insecure, & counter-productive. … (Read More)

Log in to a Synology DiskStation using SSH keys as a user other than root

Note: I recently purchased a Synology DiskStation DS411j & I’m putting up posts about things I figure out. This is part of that series. … (Read More)

SSH into your Synology DiskStation with SSH Keys

Note: I recently purchased a Synology DiskStation DS411j & I’m putting up posts about things I figure out. This is part of that series. … (Read More)

Tim Bray on Dennis Ritchie & UNIX

Tim Bray, in his short post noting the death of Dennis Ritchie, said this: … (Read More)

Nice article on Steve Ballmer, but the bit on cloud computing is farcically wrong

Good article in Business Week on Steve Ballmer, who I generally think has led Microsoft poorly due to an inability to see very far beyond Windows: “Steve Ballmer Reboots”. However, I was shocked by this: … (Read More)

A bash one-liner for converting a Wikipedia song list into a Spotify playlist

Earlier this morning I mentioned a Lifehacker post that walked you through the process of turning a song list on Wikipedia into a Spotify playlist. The problem with the post was that it used Excel. Some of the comments mentioned using a text editor & find & replace instead, which in my mind is a better solution, but I wanted something more UNIX-y, something that used bash to do the job. … (Read More)

Take any Wikipedia song list & turn it into a Spotify playlist

As a person who’s really enjoying Spotify & who also finds lots of great lists & info about music on Wikipedia, I found this Lifehacker post extremely cool: “Build Spotify Playlists from any Wikipedia Song List”. There’s a lot of manual work in it; I’ll bet I could vastly speed it up with a BBEdit or bash script. … (Read More)

Macworld reviews Marked

Macworld has posted a review of Marked, the excellent & essential Markdown preview app: … (Read More)

Why you can’t just enter a command that’s in the current directory

Guy on a mailing list explains that he downloaded & compiled a program & then tries to run the program when he runs into a problem. Like this: … (Read More)