
Engadget writes a fantastic article about Ron Wayne—seriously!

Engadget published an article that is somewhat out of its wheelhouse: a long, discursive, genuinely engaging look at Ron Wayne, the guy who was the third founder of Apple and then sold his shares less than two weeks later. Titled “Two days in the desert with Apple’s lost founder, Ron Wayne”, it reads like a piece from Rolling Stone or Esquire more than Engadget. … (Read More)

The Cosmonaut, a stylus for the iPad

From GigaOM: … (Read More)

Dropbox history, in-depth

From Wired’s “With Sync Solved, Dropbox Squares Off With Apple’s iCloud”: … (Read More)

Boxee on the Mac reaches end of life, but I don’t care

So few people used Front Row that Apple removed it from Lion. That left three contenders for Mac media center software: … (Read More)

Railing against Lion’s “natural scrolling” is a waste of time

It’s a new Christmakkuh (that’s the mashup of Christmas & Hanukkah; if you add Kwanzaa, it’s Christmakkuhzaa), & there have been oodles of posts over the last couple of days titled along the lines of “Setting up your new Mac” or “First things for the new Mac owner”. I’ve noticed that many of these posts—even from sites I otherwise generally find useful—are giving the same bad advice: how to turn off Lion’s natural scrolling1. “Natural scrolling” basically means that Apple has reversed the scrolling directions we’ve been using since 1984’s original Macintosh. Before, you scrolled up to go up (& see content above your current position) & you scrolled down to go down (& see content below your current position). ↩ … (Read More)

GoDaddy suffers the consequences for supporting SOPA

According to the The Next Web, GoDaddy has lost more than 70,000 domains in the last few days. Hopefully most of those are due to the company’s vigorous support of SOPA (which it still actually supports, even if it claims it no longer does). Every once in a while, the right people suffer the consequences for their actions. This is one of those times. … (Read More)

GoDaddy supports SOPA, another great reason to leave (or not use) GoDaddy

This story on Reddit has been making the rounds today: … (Read More)

The web browser extensions I always install

I’m starting a series about the 5 most important extensions I use in each web browser on my Mac called “If I could only have 5 {web browser} extensions”, but when I began writing the first entry, for Chrome, I quickly realized I was going to have a problem. These were my 5 picks for Chrome, in alphabetical order: … (Read More)

Urtak, the slick survey tool that sounds like a Robert E. Howard hero

Political blogger Andrew Sullivan reports today that his site is surveying its readers (of which I am one) & that the survey is going amazingly well. How well? Almost ONE MILLION responses. That’s incredible. He has a lot of readers, but for that many to take a survey is almost beyond belief. … (Read More)

A fix for a renaming bug in ForkLift

For those of you using ForkLift, a fantastic Finder replacement that I swear by, you should know that there’s an annoying bug in Lion. If you try to rename a folder by simply changing the case & nothing else, you’ll get this super-helpful error message: … (Read More)