For the last month I’ve been teaching an LPIC (Linux Professional Institute Certification) study course at my home on Thursday nights. Here are the presentations I’ve used, all based around Roderick W. Smith’s
 LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute 
Certification Study Guide,
 2nd edition (or get it for Kindle). Please note that not everything is complete. I teach 4 other courses (for which I get paid), so I don’t always the time to get everything on slides.

1 Command Line Tools

Topics: shells & shell configuration, internal & external commands, command completion, history, environment variables, streams, redirection, pipes, filters (head, tail, less, wc, cat, join, cut, paste, sort, & uniq), & regular expressions


2 Managing Software

Topics: packages, package managers, automated package managers, RPM & YUM, deb & dpkg & APT, alien, dependencies & conflicts, shared libraries, & managing processes (ps, top, jobs, bg, fg, nice, renice, kill, & killall)


3 Configuring Hardware

Topics: BIOS, IRQs, I/O, expansion cards, USB devices, hard disks (PATA, SATA, & SCSI), partitions & partitioning (fdisk & parted), mount points, filesystems (ext2/3/4, ReiserFS, JFS, XFS, Btrfs, FAT, NTFS, HFS+), mkfs, tuning filesystems, journaling, fsck, df, du, & mounting & unmounting (mount, fstab, umount)


4 Managing Files

Topics: file names, wildcards, basic file commands (ls, cp, mv, rm, touch), archiving with tar, dd, links, directory commands (mkdir & rmdir), ownership (chown & chgrp), permissions & chmod, umask, attributes & chattr, quotas, the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, & finding files (find, locate, whereis, which, type)
