Urtak, the slick survey tool that sounds like a Robert E. Howard hero
Political blogger Andrew Sullivan reports today that his site is surveying its readers (of which I am one) & that the survey is going amazingly well. How well? Almost ONE MILLION responses. That’s incredible. He has a lot of readers, but for that many to take a survey is almost beyond belief.
A reader calls out one reason he may be getting that many responses: Urtak.
I think the reason you’re getting so many responses is that your software (Urtak?) is the best I’ve ever seen. I get one or two surveys per week from companies I do business with and ignore nearly all of them, because I’m tired of being asked ridiculously complicated questions about what is important to me (always with way more dynamic range than is necessary, like from 1 to 10 when probably “not at all”, “a little”, or “a lot” would be enough). The yes/no format is refreshing.
I checked Urtak out, & it is slick, easy to use, and full of very nice touches that make me want to try it out myself on one of my client’s websites.
- Great design.
- Truly, a super-easy-to-use UI.
- Immediate results to users answering questions.
- Users can create their own questions for others to answer (I presume this can be disabled!)
- Embed the Urtak in your website or redirect users to Urtak’s website.
- Easy ways to view, sort, & parse data, for both survey owners & takers.
Right now it’s free, which is never a great sign, so I hope they start charging a small, reasonable amount to keep alive. Please, Urtak, whatever you do, don’t sell out to Google or Yahoo!